Volume 2 Governance and ControlsGovernance and Controls © Copyright 2002, All rights reserved 11 transaction’s specific terms and conditions it also performs other transaction support such as scheduling and nominations. Front Office Responsibilities and Duties General Seek ROC approval for participation in new products, markets, or services that meet the company’s business objectives. Understand, sign, and comply with the ROC risk policy and all other company policies, including the company code of ethics. Maintain confidentiality of information used in trading and risk management. Report violations of company policies. Abide by any non-compete agreements. Develop and maintain documentation outlining standard procedures for conducting business. Set up and maintain physical contracts in the operations systems. Trading and Asset Management Ensure that traders have proper knowledge and understanding of the products they are authorized to trade. Understand and abide by ROC trading limits, authorized product rules, and restricted activities. Develop trading, hedging, procurement, and marketing strategies in compliance with ROC policy and procedures. Execute all authorized trading, hedging, and marketing transactions. Comply with all personal trading restrictions and limitations. Arrange for the exchange of physical commodities at/on the appropriate facilities (pipelines, plants, pools, etc.). Trade only in approved market forums (ICOs, power exchanges, electronic trading platforms, exchanges, etc.). Communicate the operational status of appropriate facilities (pipelines, plants, pools, etc.) to the organization. Deal Entry and Logistics Input transaction detail into deal-capture system in accordance with established procedures. Acknowledge daily trading activity. Work with the middle and back offices to resolve errors on a timely basis. Ensure accuracy of transaction terms (including difference between nominated and confirmed volumes) in the deal-capture system.
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