Volume 2 — Governance and ControlsGovernance and Controls © Copyright 2002, All rights reserved 11 transaction’s specific terms and conditions it also performs other transaction support such as scheduling and nominations. Front Office ― Responsibilities and Duties General • Seek ROC approval for participation in new products, markets, or services that meet the company’s business objectives. • Understand, sign, and comply with the ROC risk policy and all other company policies, including the company code of ethics. • Maintain confidentiality of information used in trading and risk management. • Report violations of company policies. • Abide by any non-compete agreements. • Develop and maintain documentation outlining standard procedures for conducting business. • Set up and maintain physical contracts in the operations systems. Trading and Asset Management • Ensure that traders have proper knowledge and understanding of the products they are authorized to trade. • Understand and abide by ROC trading limits, authorized product rules, and restricted activities. • Develop trading, hedging, procurement, and marketing strategies in compliance with ROC policy and procedures. • Execute all authorized trading, hedging, and marketing transactions. • Comply with all personal trading restrictions and limitations. • Arrange for the exchange of physical commodities at/on the appropriate facilities (pipelines, plants, pools, etc.). • Trade only in approved market forums (ICOs, power exchanges, electronic trading platforms, exchanges, etc.). • Communicate the operational status of appropriate facilities (pipelines, plants, pools, etc.) to the organization. Deal Entry and Logistics • Input transaction detail into deal-capture system in accordance with established procedures. • Acknowledge daily trading activity. • Work with the middle and back offices to resolve errors on a timely basis. • Ensure accuracy of transaction terms (including difference between nominated and confirmed volumes) in the deal-capture system.
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