Best Practices for Energy Price Indices © Copyright 2003, CCRO. All rights reserved. 19 APPENDIX Exhibit A – Example of an Index Data Submission and Publication Timeline3 The timeline proposed below is an example of the process for information exchange between data providers and index developers. This example is provided for illustrative purposes only. The index developer will define the actual timeline according to the characteristics of the specific index. Special provisions may apply for holidays and weekend trades. Note that because of the rolling nature of the error correction and challenge process, there will be overlaps of tasks on any given day. The process steps outlined below for the data provider should be performed by the designated noncommercial group. The specified trading cutoff time, submission deadline, revised data submission, challenges to published index values, as well as levels of materiality for revised data submission and materiality bands for revising index values, etc., are all defined elements of the index construction methodology developed by index developers. To ensure a robust process and index, index developers should develop the standards through consultation with data providers and index users. DATA PROVIDER Business Day 1 06:30 Start time for deals to be included in Day 1 transaction data submission 12:00 Cutoff time for deals to be included in Day 1 transaction data submission Until 16:00 Validate Day 1 transaction data 16:00 – 16:30 Pull admissible Day 1 transaction data from deal- capture system and prepare data for submission to index developer. Submit validated Day 1 data to index developer 16:30 Data submission deadline 3 This timeline is intended to be for illustrative purposes only and is not intended by the CCRO to be relied upon by data providers, index developers, index users, or any other person or entity. Data providers, index developers, and index users should consult with their own legal counsel with respect to all contractual arrangements and legal issues with respect to the gathering and submission of data and the publication and use of indices.
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